February/March Newsletter
Hey everyone! My sincerest apologies for the crazy delay of these coming out. Between our cat Godiva passing away, and my son bringing home every manner of sickness from preschool, the office has been really out of sorts and behind on communication (and just about everything, don’t get me started on the taxes).
I’m so very very sorry it’s taken this long for Scarlet & Violet preorders to go up. I do hope that very soon I’ll be hiring yet another person to help Dan and I get through the back log of orders/inventorying we need, especially in preparation for our new Roca Sorter coming in June!
Individual Card Sale News: The delay in receiving the Roca Sorter came from being able to purchase their new version (XL) which can process many more individual cards at once, and it only becomes available in June (on my birthday, lucky me!). Why is this important? Well, because this will allow us to more easily list individual cards on the site, as well as TCGPlayer, and more easily pull orders of individual cards as well.
This will also open up the opportunity for us to start taking in trade ins! Once that happens we’ll offer Store Credit or Cash (via paypal or another digital venue, TBD) for traded in cards and used/new products our customers may want to sell us!
In addition, the increase in revenue from being able to process more cards, will hopefully allow us to reach our goal of opening a physical location in Q4 (which also means more card sets like Magic, One Piece, etc which are only available to Brick and Mortar Stores). Anyway— more news to come, but for right now, here are the preorders and when they become available!
Pokemon: Scarlet & Violet Preorders

Hey all! I want to sincerely apologize that this took so long to get out. Preorders will be open starting Tomorrow March 16th, at 7 PM MT, 6PM PT, 8PM CT, 9 PM ET. They will all become available on the Preorders Page at that time.
Release Date: 03/31/2023
Scarlet & Violet Booster Boxes: $114.90 - Limit 4 (we may open this up more once we get the final allocation numbers the week of release, so if you’re interested please leave us a note in your order).
Scarlet & Violet ETBs: $41.40 - Limit 4 (2 of each type)
Scarlet & Violet Booster Bundle (6 packs each) - $22.99 - Limit 10
Scarlet & Violet Packs (Arcanine/Dondozo) - $19.98 for both or $9.98 for 1 type - Limit 5
Scarlet & Violet Checklane Blisters (Espathra and Spidos) - $4.99 for one, or $9.98 for both - Limit 5 each or 5 sets of 2
Scarlet & Violet Sleeved Boosters - Limit 50 - $3.75
Release Date: 04/14/2023
Scarlet & Violet Build and Battle Box - $17.95 - Limit 5
Scarlet & Violet Build and Battle Stadium - $42.97 - Limit 2
Other Pokemon Preorders
Release Date: 04/14/2023

Cyclizar EX Box - $16.49 - Available 3/16/2023 - 7 PM MT
League Battle Deck (Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR) - $24.99 - Available Now
Ex Battle Deck (Ampharos ex or Lucario ex) - $8.49 - Available Now
Paldea Friends Mini Tins - $8.99 each (Please note these are generally highly allocated so if you’d like a full display, please email us and we can see if we can get it for you) - Available 3/16/2023 - 7 PM MT
Release Date: 09/30/2023
Ultra Pro Pokemon Paldea Regions First Partner Bundle - $39.99
Ultra Pro Pokemon 3-Pack Tournament Folio - $7.89
Other Live Preorders
Cardfight Vanguard

Release Date 03/31/2023
Cardfight Vanguard overDress: BT09 - Dragontree Invasion 9th Set Booster Display - $56.00

Release Date 05/12/2023
Cardfight Vanguard V Premium: Special Series 10 Premium Battle Deckset 2023 - $148.99

Release Date 06/09/2023
Cardfight Vanguard overDress: BT10 Dragon Masquerade Booster - $49.99
Cardfight Vanguard overDress: Series 04 Stride Deckset Messiah PREMIUM - 189.99
Cardfight Vanguard overDress: Series 04 Stride Deckset Messiah - $49.99

Weiss Schwarz
Release Date: 06/16/2023
Weiss Schwarz: Avatar: The Last Airbender Supply Set - $33.49
Weiss Schwarz: Avatar: The Last Airbender Booster Display - $63.99
Weiss Schwarz: Avatar: The Last Airbender Trial Deck - $12.00
Shadowverse Evolve
Release Date: 06/16/2023
Shadowverse: Evolve - Advent of Genesis Booster Display - $61.99
Shadowverse: Evolve - Maculate Ablution Starter Deck - $18.99
Shadowverse: Evolve - Waltz of the Undying Night Starter Deck - $18.99
Shadowverse: Evolve - Wrath of the Greatwyrm Starter Deck - $18.99
Shadowverse: Evolve - Mysteries of Conjuration Starter Deck - $18.99
Shadowverse: Evolve - Blade of Resentment Starter Deck - $18.99
Shadowverse: Evolve - Regal Fairy Princess Starter Deck - $18.99
CW: Pet Passing
RIP Godiva

As those of you on our facebook page know, our resident instigator Godiva, passed away over the past month at the ripe old age of 15. We will miss her greatly, especially all the shenanigans she got into here in the office. We will be donating 5% of every order on the site to CAT (Cat Adoption Team) in Portland OR where Godiva came into our lives for the month of March, in her honor. Thank you to all of you who sent kind words with the news, we can’t tell you how much it meant to us. Rest In Peace Godiva, we love you.